Our Artists
Over the years we have carefully curated a list of renowned UK and international artists to feature in our gallery and online. We are proud to offer our clients an eclectic range of original and limited edition pieces.
Contemporary, innovative, figurative, classical and expressive are just a few ways we can describe the wonderful pieces from collection of artists. Take a look at pieces by specific artists below.
Abigail McDougall (45)
Add Subtract (16)
Aiden Kringen (3)
Alessandro Paglia (2)
Alex Ross (2)
Alexander Rhys (2)
Alison Johnson (157)
Allan Morgan (3)
Amy Louise (86)
Ana Fernandez (2)
Andreas Claussen (20)
Andrei Protsouk (144)
Anna Cher (77)
Anna Gammans (3)
Anna Schofield (2)
Axel Crieger (6)
Aziz (20)
Barry Hilton (3)
Ben Jeffery (84)
Ben Payne (42)
Benoit Havard (6)
Bernard (2)
Bernhardt & Cooper Colourcodia (5)
Bollee Patino (21)
Bozhena Fuchs (23)
Brad Robson (2)
Brenda Herd (12)
Bruno Tinucci (1)
Campbell Le Pun (2)
Carl Melegari (4)
Carrie Clayden (37)
Chris Bourne (46)
Christian Hook (15)
Chuck (117)
Clare Parkes (24)
Clare Wright (17)
Colin Brown (74)
Craig Alan (3)
Craig Foord (153)
Daisy Clayton (54)
Dale Bowen (41)
Dale Bowen - Marine Scenes (81)
Dan Pearce (10)
Daniel Mernagh (1)
Danielle O Connor Akiyama (12)
Dave White (4)
David Cressman (21)
David Taylor (3)
Dean Kendrick (4)
Dom Pattinson (2)
Doug Hyde (49)
Douglas Gray (2)
Duncan MacGregor (4)
Duncan Palmar RSMA (19)
Dylan Izaak (3)
Ed Robinson (32)
Edward Waite (18)
Elena Henderson (1)
Emily Crook (124)
Emma Gibbons (2)
Epi (6)
Ewa Czarniecka (29)
Fabian Perez (10)
Fezz (31)
Fleetwood (8)
Frank Pretorius (8)
Gary Walton (13)
Hamish Herd (26)
Hayley Goodhead (23)
Henri Miller (5)
Hudson Parkin (2)
Hue Folk (296)
Inam (1)
Ingo (4)
Jaanika Talts (11)
Jack Frame (3)
Jamie Ashcroft (4)
Jane Morgan (26)
Jean Picton (82)
Jennine Parker (11)
Jessie Foakes (4)
Jimmy Law (3)
Jo Starkey (18)
Joanna Taylor (19)
Joe Galindo (27)
John Horsewell (109)
John Waterhouse (2)
Jonathan Shaw (7)
Joss Clapson (154)
Judith Bridgland (5)
Kay Davenport (4)
Keith Drury (9)
Keith McBride (5)
Kimberley Harris (90)
Leander (17)
Leanne Christie (106)
Lee Kaplan (2)
Lee McCarthy (5)
Leigh Lambert (234)
Leila Barton (34)
Leo Manelli (1)
Lillias Blackie (57)
Linda Charles (383)
Lisa Pang (25)
Lou Sheldon (1)
Maria Rivans (4)
Mariusz Kaldowski (65)
Mark Curryer (38)
Mark Spain (23)
Martin Robson (26)
Matt Herring (4)
Mellisuga (26)
Micha Baker (21)
Michael Abrams (106)
Michael Daniels (59)
Michael Rumsby (2)
Michael Sole (1)
Michelle Lucking (8)
Michiel Folkers (29)
Miss Mash (2)
Mr Brainwash (23)
Mr Kuu (3)
Naor (19)
Neil Carroll (156)
Nick Potter (41)
Nicky Litchfield (7)
Nigel Cooke (202)
Oshe (20)
Ovi (14)
Owain George (9)
Paul Bennett (3)
Paul McIntyre (18)
Paul Wright (15)
Pete Humphreys (4)
Philip Gray (13)
PoPsee (20)
Richard King (89)
Rob Hefferan (22)
Robert Mars (15)
Roffway (5)
Sam Toft (6)
Sannib (204)
Scott Tetlow (215)
Shaun Othen (29)
Sherree Valentine Daines (9)
Sheryl Roberts (125)
Simon Kenny (5)
Stephanie Eufemia (21)
Sue Howells RWS (17)
The Art Maverick (49)
The Connor Brothers (30)
The Real Hackney Dave (7)
The Trunk Of Funk (89)
Tim Wang (12)
Tom Butler (25)
Tony Hinchliffe (90)
Van Hargen Art (8)
Yuvi (8)
Zinsky (44)
Having Fenella help us find a piece of artwork really opened our minds, and we chose something we absolutely love but would never have considered on our own.
How can we Help?
Choosing art for your home should be an exciting and rewarding experience, but so often we hear of people finding it stressful and difficult. However, we are here to help with our free art consultation service.