Christian Hook

Christian Hook

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About Christian Hook

Christian Hook’s paintings serve as a bridge between tradition and innovation, infusing each piece with a sense of vibrancy and vitality. Embracing both the past and the present, his work offers multiple perspectives on a single subject, inviting viewers into a world where classical art intersects with modern sensibilities. His fascination with classical techniques and fragmented imagery is evident in the layers of transparent paint that imbue his works with a sense of movement and temporal exploration.

In 2014, Christian was named as the Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year, a prestigious title awarded after a tense final held at the National Portrait Gallery in London. His winning portfolio showcased his exceptional talent, culminating in striking portraits of former world champion boxer Amir Khan and acclaimed actor Sir Ian McKellen. His subsequent commission to paint award-winning actor Alan Cumming for The Scottish National Portrait Gallery garnered praise from Gallery Director Christopher Baker, who lauded the portrait as a captivating celebration of the art of performance.

Christian’s artistic journey began with a degree in illustration from Middlesex University, London, followed by a successful career as an illustrator for Disney and later as a lecturer in illustration at the Royal College of Art. Winner of the inaugural Clarendon Fine Art award, his work delves into the concept of motion, time, and the moments that exist between events. He draws inspiration from the works of masters like Cezanne, exploring multiple viewpoints to depict a singular subject.

Acknowledging the influence of artists such as Antonio Lopez, Lucian Freud, Frank Auerbach, Richard Diebenkorn, Francis Bacon, and Gerhardt Richter, Christian’s paintings have found their place in numerous esteemed collections, including that of His Royal Highness Prince Edward. Working from Gibraltar, at the crossroads of Europe, his art is imbued with a rich tapestry of Hispanic folklore iconography and the remnants of British colonialism, creating a unique and captivating aesthetic.

Christian Hook
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